Friday, September 18, 2015

A Visit to Heceta Head Lighthouse

 Here is the do's-n-don'ts sign at the parking lot for Heceta Head.  Hold on, there are not any do's so this is the don't sign.  See the number 94 on the upper right.  You use that if you have to call 911.  That's your location code so they know where you are at.  Most if not all of the scenic turnouts and attractions have a location code.

Recently refurbished too.   It is said that Heceta Head is the most photographed lighthouse in the country.

 Dizzy yet?

 Still not at the top but here in an observation window.

 Here is the rest stop.

The walking path to get to the lighthouse starts from a parking area down by this beach.  But
it is definitely worth the trip.  The views are spectacular. 

That light bulb casts a light up to 21 miles out to sea.


 One of our favorite places to eat in quaint downtown Yachats is the Luna Sea Fish House

 You gotta try their Slumgullion.  It's clam chowder with white cheeses and bay shrimp then baked.
Literally you can get about 10" of melted cheese stringing off your spoon.  It will put a smile on your face.

 Just a few doors down is a ice cream & candy store.  You can find quirky ole' school candy here.
I didn't know you still could say stuff like that on packaging for children.

 This antique shop has old glass that fluoresces under black light.  Neat!

 Japanese flotsam surrounded by small animals called Velella velella.

 These small animals end up beached on the Oregon coast by the ten's of thousands when the ocean waves change direction.  They have a blueish color to their body that can stain driftwood.

You can see the blueish stain on the middle of this walking staff I hand carved out of the buried stick above.

Onward to the Oregon Coast

 This is on our way North going through the Sacramento area and came across these colorful median flowing plants.  Apparently CalTrans plants different types but these here might me Oleanders.

 Wow, just some of the sights available to enjoy on a roadtrip.  Although we use an rv specific gps notice the large map and the Next Exit book in front of the passenger/navigator's seat (the wife).

 We made it to our favorite place on the Oregon Coast.  The Sea Perch RV Resort in Yachats, Oregon gives you million dollar views being right on the beach.

This is what I've been wanting!  Ahhhhhhhh!

5 rows of waves are very cool.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Last Views of Arizona 2015

 Skulls are cool.  This skull case is located in an antique & collectible shop in Camp Verde, AZ.  On Sat and Sunday they host a swap meet in their parking lot.  $10 to set up a card table.

 This 9 foot bronze monument commemorates the Yavapai-Apache Nation's forced long walk to a military internment camp at Old San Carlos in 1875. It depicts the true story of an elderly man who carried his sick wife on his back in a burden basket during the march.  I went there on a Saturday to go through the cultural center that the sculpture is located in front of.  The building was closed so all I got was the picture.

 A view from the top of the well.  And it's free to go see.

 Using my 20x zoom of my digital camera I may have captured a picture of ? surfacing close to the edge of the Well.   Looks like a "crock" of some sort doesn't it?  Or it's a log.

 Cliff dwellings fascinate me.  This one is located towards the upper edge and can be seen as you start the trail to the bottom of the Well.

 The Swallet Ruin is located near the bottom of the well near the waters edge.
Can you see the painted words on the wall?  There are others too. 
Done in the early 1800's

 I just liked this.  It's a single cactus plant.  Starts in the center with one each left and right hand arms/branches growing out horizontally on this ridge about midway down the trail to the bottom of Montezuma's Well.

 Just before you arrive at Montezuma's Well is the Pithouse Ruin.

 Here I am pretending I just bought this '95 Ferrari Testarossa.  I'm holding up the Sold sign and pointing to myself.  Actually, we just happened to drive by the parking lot of the Cliff Castle Casino where two exotic car transport semi's were moving cars around.  Oh well.

 Desert wild flowers adjacent to the Pithouse.  And no mom, I don't know what kind they are.

What a perfect stay and a great ending at Distant Drums RV Resort in Camp Verde, AZ.

Friday, April 3, 2015

More Arizona Fun Stuff

 We are right in the center of things.  Being right across from the office Cathy checks out all the rigs as they come into the resort.  The golf cart in the foreground is a maintenance vehicle.

 One of the many great sights to see are the red rock formations.  This one is known as Bell Rock (a known vortex spot).  Here we are on a Harley ride going through the Village of Oak Creek on our way to Sedona.

 My water is doing something strange.  I wonder if I'm in a Sedona vortex.  Sedona is famous for these vortexes or renowned spots of heightened spiritual and metaphysical energy.

 At the end of March is the Phoenix Bike Fest.  Here's my bike (center).  It's about a 95 mile one way ride from Camp Verde, AZ.  This years Bike Fest was held at the West Gate Entertainment District in Glendale, Az.  The big stadium where the Cardinals and Diamond Backs play is right around the corner.

 The highlight for me was actually outside the bike fest event in an adjacent parking lot.  Spirit car club was setting up their custom cars.  Check out the matching rims.  Would it look goofy to paint the rims on the motorhome?  Hmmmm.

This is an excellent example of a "low-rider" bicycle.  It's actually a pedal powered trike.  The handle bars feature twisted square stock, four rear view mirrors AND a steering wheel.  It was very cool to see.  Thanks Spirit car club.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Fun Stuff In Arizona

 After a friend routed out this sign on a slab of tree I collected at the Hayward Wisconsin KOA last Summer  it took a trip to Arizona to get a "round-tuit" and color it.  Every traveler has to have a sign.

 This classic is getting ready to be loaded into the trailer seen.  There is a saying: "Every Good Boy Deserves Favor" (said by the Moody Blues) so this person got a cool car.  Bad boys get Harley Davidson (said by me, lol).

 Look at all the stuff I had to buy for my "free" hobby of wood carving.

 I took this picture in Cottonwood, Arizona.  Who knew that world happiness party looks like a Giraffe?

 This is a condemned foot bridge over the historic Eureka ditch in Camp Verde, Az.  There is a series of irrigation ditches going back to the year 1200.  This ditch built around 1895 is still in use by locals.

 I believe we have evidence of beaver activity.  Found it at the Eureka ditch looking for cane and staff wood.

 These fresh tracks were close to the above tree trunk.  I think they are from a raccoon.  Cathy thinks they are from the beaver.  I then said.... yes dear.

This reminds me of a worm hole beginning to open to allow the invading space ships.  Or maybe we watch too many sci-fi movies?

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Distant Drums RV Resort Jan 2015

 I took this January 20th, 2015     North of Phoenix, Camp Verde, Arizona is the location of Distant Drums RV Resort.  Operated by the Yavapai Apache Nation.  We'll be enjoying sunsets like this through the end of April.  Several campers followed suite and took pictures of this tonight.

Compare and contrast is what a high school teacher used to say.  This is the same site on December 31st, 2014.  A rare snowfall hits us.  During the Summer it can get to 100 degrees here.  My motorcycle doesn't care for the snow that much.