The bucket in the center is made out of leather. Imagine a line of people passing full buckets of water to the front there the fire fighter throws it on the fire. It is said that a fire doubles every minute. I bet that not too many fires were extinguished that way.
This ensemble has quite the head piece.
I enjoy seeing real native artifacts. The shield belonged to the clan of the bear.
I thought I'd go and see the inside of this building while I was downtown. It's the Tarrant County courthouse. Right inside the front doors was a metal detector system like at the airports and two sheriffs. Posted was a sign that no pocket knifes were allowed (I had my Harley folding knife). I would have had to walk back to the bike (right foreground) then back up the steps to the entrance. I didn't go through the round trip routine. What I could see of the inside was pretty regular anyway. Not interesting like the outside architecture.